FluxCP - rAthena

Xantara's FluxCP for rAthena

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Welcome to FluxCP - rAthena Page.

Welcome to the Xantara's FluxCP Wiki! With the creation of rAthena, there became a need to support renewal changes and other features such as the new group system. This is where Xantara's Flux Control Panel comes in. It is a free and open source control panel to work with rAthena. Forked from FluxCP by Paradox924X and Byteflux at r1121.


There are three ways to get a copy of this Control Panel. For detailed installation instructions, click here (TBD).

  1. GIT Clone git clone https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra.git
  2. SVN Checkout svn checkout https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra
  3. ZIP Download https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/archive/master.zip
